When you have great choices making a decision is difficult, it’s great when your project can have both! This project for Magento in Culver City utilized both the Moderco Crystal acoustic glass and the Signature 8500 Operable Partitions. The results were beautiful glazed glass panels at the entry and operable partitions with markerboards for an additional room when needed. This project was wonderfully designed by Wolcott Architecture | Interiors and our GC was HBC.
“The project goals,” relates Carin Whitney, Kieran Timberlake’s communications director, “included providing savannah-like views of the Chesapeake Bay and opening the interior fully for natural ventilation, and to give it a porch-like feel. The plan also called for trapping the radiant heat that forms in the cavity between layers, to provide thermal insulation when the exterior acrylic doors are in the closed position.